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November 15, 2022 Comments (0)

Top Benefits of Recruitment Agency for Employers

Many businesses have their own recruitment team or department to handle the acquisition of new employees to join their growing company and fill job vacancies. Some, on the other hand, employ recruitment agencies to recruit employees. Why do companies use recruitment agencies? Would having recruitment agency talent and hiring solutions work for you? Read this article to find out the answers.


Why Companies Use Employment Solutions Recruitment Agency

On behalf of a company, a recruitment agency performs tasks related to filling job vacancies, from screening resumes, interviewing candidates, and making job offers. Going with the traditional way of hiring, through a company’s human resources unit, is the norm for many companies, but using recruitment agencies has been gaining popularity because of the many advantages they offer. Here are some of these advantages.

  • Gain Industry Insights—As specialists in the industry, recruitment agencies have insights on salary ranges, industry trends, and qualified candidates.
  • Tap into a wide network of talent—A good recruitment agency has access to a wide network of talent through years of referrals, networking, and interviewing candidates. Employers typically don’t have access to such a wide array of talents. If an employer is looking for an IT person with specific skills, a good recruitment agency should be able to source a list of qualified candidates in a brief time because it already has a pool of talent.
  • Fill job vacancies immediately—Having access to a network of talent means a recruitment solutions agency can help companies fill job vacancies immediately, so no work will be delayed, and the company may continue its operations smoothly.
  • Get help with recruitment paperwork—A recruitment agency can help with the paperwork related to hiring workers, payroll, workers’ compensation, and benefits.
  • Save time and money training staff—Training new employees takes a lot of time and money. However, some startups don’t have enough resources to spend for training. Recruitment agencies help employers find people who are willing to take on the jobs they need. Recruitment agencies offer cost and time-efficient employee onboarding and ending of contracts.
  • Increase profit—Employers may have a project that requires people with specific expertise. If it’s a short-term project, it doesn’t make sense to hire for a full-time position. Recruitment agencies match employers with qualified candidates. They sift through hundreds of resumes, review letters of recommendation, and take the time to receive calls from candidates regardless of qualifications. Companies can save time and money by letting recruitment agencies do these tasks. Then, they can focus on other aspects of their business.

Read more: How Partnering with a Recruitment Firm Works to your Company’s Advantage


Should you use a recruitment agency?

Recruitment agency for employers

If you are unsure whether you need the services of a recruitment agency, answering these questions may help.

Do you want to find the most qualified candidates?
If you don’t have the resources to find the employees you need, a recruitment agency could be the answer. They can help you hire people with specific skills required for your projects.

Do you need employees at the soonest time possible?
If your company has recently realized the need for more employees, then you should consider a recruitment agency. If you are understaffed, it means your current employees are overworked and stressed, and they are probably underperforming. A recruitment agency can help you fill jobs quickly.

Do you lack time for the hiring process?
Recruitment takes a lot of time. You must post ads, read resumes, conduct interviews, and call references. If you have a busy schedule, a recruitment agency can do these tasks for you so you can focus on the rest of your business.

Do you want to reduce hiring costs?
Having your own HR department can be costly. You need to think about not only the staff and office space but also compensation and benefits. Recruitment agencies can significantly reduce these costs.

If you answered yes to most of the questions above, then you need to hire a recruitment agency.


Recruitment Solutions for Australian Companies

If you are an Australian company looking for Filipinos to fill job vacancies in your company, then let Staffhouse International Resources help you. Staffhouse has been in the business for more than two decades and is accredited by the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) or formerly known as Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA), the official government agency that issues licenses to engage in overseas recruitment to private recruitment agencies all around the world. With its long-standing partnership experience with foreign placement, this award-winning recruitment firm can help you find the right candidates while saving you time and money. See our recruitment services to help you grow and optimize your business. Contact us today!