Held on December 3 to 4, 2019, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UN Women hosted the inter-regional meeting, titled “Labour mobility between Asia and the Arab States: Sharing of experiences and progress under the Bali Declaration with specific focus on women migrant workers” in Bangkok, Thailand. Emmanuel Gomez,...
Read MoreHere are the best jobs to look out for! Saudi Arabia remains the top destination of OFWs, with one out of four choices to work there. More and more job opportunities continue to be available for OFWs, but here are the 5 most in-demand jobs in Saudi Arabia: NursesIt comes...
Read MoreFor the second year in a row, Staffhouse ranked #1 in the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration’s (POEA) list of Top Deploying Agencies for skilled workers in 2019. Continuing its success of providing Filipinos with work opportunities abroad through ethical and responsible practices, Staffhouse was once again recognized by POEA with its annual...
Read MoreManny Gomez, Managing Director of Staffhouse International Resources Corporation (Philippines), participated as a resource speaker in a tripartite inter-regional consultation entitled “Labour Mobility between Asia and the Arab States: Sharing of experiences and progress under the Bali Declaration with a specific focus on women migrant workers”, held on 3-4...
Read MoreOn September 3, 2019, IOM, in collaboration with the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia organized the National Forum on Forced Labour and Human Rights in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Manny Gomez, Staffhouse Managing Director, was invited to be one of the panelists to discuss Modern Slavery: Addressing Forced Labour in...
Read MoreTo our Valued Clients and Partners: Last July 12, 2019, Staffhouse International Resources Corp. celebrated its 20th Year Anniversary. This would not have been possible without the support, trust, and loyalty of our dear clients and partners. Thank you! It has been said that Globally, the average lifespan of...
Read MoreStaffhouse was again invited by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in coordination with the ASEAN Secretariat, to the Regional Good Practice Seminar discussing an Inclusive Future for Southeast Asia: Labour Mobility, Skills and Growth on 9-10 April 2019, at the Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park Hotel, in Bangkok,...
Read MoreTouted as the largest recruitment expo in the Kingdom, the Recruitment, Human Resources and Labour & Supportive Services Forum and Exhibition (RALS) is now in its 2nd year. It is envisaged to be an annual event that highlights the vast potential of international and Saudi recruitment companies under the...
Read MoreStaffhouse International Resources Corp. ranks #1 among all overseas recruitment agencies for 2018 in skilled worker deployment. Based on POEA’s ICT branch report, Staffhouse bested over 1,000 other recruitment agencies licensed by the POEA. Staffhouse recruits were deployed to Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Australia. “This achievement was possible...
Read MoreStaffhouse International Resources is honored to receive an award from the Blas Ople Policy Center on the 15th day of December 2018 in recognition of the company’s dedicated service to the country’s modern-day heroes as gleaned from exemplary leadership as a recruitment agency espousing fair and ethical recruitment principles....
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