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August 1, 2023 Comments (0)

Ethical Recruitment: Best Practices for Hiring and Selection

Ethics is an important element of employment. Ethical recruitment processes are beneficial for both businesses and recruitment agencies. A sense of guiding principles should be able to direct business operations in the right trajectory, even during the hiring process.

Fair and ethical employment and workers’ protection are crucial to your business’s success. How you handle all ethics-related matters forms part of your corporate social responsibility. As employers or recruiters, you have a moral and legal obligation to hire people based solely on their skills, qualifications, and personal merit.


What is ethical recruitment?

Ethical recruiting refers to hiring that focuses on carefully considered selection and placement. Whether domestic or international, a hiring process should have a regular, reliable measure that allows job vacancies or new roles to be filled in promptly and doesn’t leave candidates in a tedious waiting process. Staffing agencies and recruitment companies have an ethical responsibility to inform employers about unfair hiring practices.

Recruiting migrant workers has enormous benefits for both individuals and businesses. For starters, companies enjoy more cost-effective labor with specific skill sets. Overseas workers also have the chance to experience new cultures and earn more to help their families back in their home country. International recruitment is relatively more complex than the local one. That’s why ethical recruitment should be strictly observed because it helps grow a better reputation for the business.


What is the scope of ethical recruitment?

Ethical recruitment goes above transparency in job postings and the assessment of candidates without discrimination or bias. It’s also part of ethics when recruiting managers can communicate concisely and timely to both employer and staff, giving feedback after hiring and a whole other host of the healthy and holistic hiring process.

Recruitment agencies’ transparency in their processes and practices gives you a sense of the necessary details, mainly the what, who, when, where, and how. A business guided by values that are held upright means its employers can carry out their roles with confidence and support.

Staffhouse International Resources adheres to the International Labor Organization principles on fair & ethical recruitment.
Ethical Recruitment Principles adhered to by Staffhouse:

● No recruitment fees charged to the workers.
● Full compliance with recruitment regulations in both sending and receiving countries.
● Full disclosure & transparency on all terms & conditions of employment
● Access to remedy – presence of employee grievance mechanism
● Vetting of both employers & candidates


Ethical recruitment practices for hiring


Why are ethics important in the recruitment and selection process?

Ethics in recruitment and selection should always be present. Ethics refers to a set of moral standards that individuals and groups use to differentiate between right and wrong. Hiring based on ethical and fair standards means utilizing hiring practices that align with an organization’s values.

Filipino people are not new to the overseas job industry. Filipinos’ love for their families remains the number one driving force to risk being away from them physically to provide them with a better life. Unfortunately, unethical practices in the recruitment industry occur more often than you might think, resulting in job seekers being demotivated and even exploited. Many Filipinos fall victim to these types of unethical hiring, primarily because of being placed with a bad recruiter.


What are ethical employment practices?


● Communicating timely and professionally

Globalization has played an economic impact on all aspects of the workforce industry. When hiring for overseas job positions, it’s vital to be specific and concise with the requirements. International recruitment entails a lot of requirements, such as work visas, salaries, relocation, or sponsorship. You must be specific about language requirements, especially if it’s essential for the job. Time is of the essence, and a clear-cut hiring process reflects a company’s diversity and inclusivity in its workforce. It also reflects respect for the employee’s time because you are mindful of the hiring and onboarding process.

● Unbiased employee assessment

An unbiased hiring process is fair, objective, and constructive. Every job seeker should have an equal opportunity to a job posting, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and disabilities. Recruitment that is done without bias or prejudice also allows an employer to obtain the best people for the business.

Of course, some things are easier said than done, so it’s essential to be guided by some tips to ensure that you won’t run into ethical issues in recruitment and selection. Developing a clear hiring structure is the first step. A lack of guidelines in this process inevitably leads to bias. When hiring is done without a speck of bias and set to ethical standards, it is done with integrity, transparency, and trust.


Partner With an Ethical Recruitment Agency

Recruitment agencies in the Philippines are abundant, so overseas partners must conduct thorough research before choosing their partner recruitment agency. Check whether the agency abides by ethical standards in the recruitment process, like Staffhouse International Resources.

Staffhouse is a licensed recruitment agency in the Philippines that strives to be a recognized leader in ethical and responsible business practices in the Philippine recruitment industry. Staffhouse has been helping Filipinos work abroad for over 20 years and was born out of a passion for assisting Pinoys in finding suitable jobs to help them better themselves and their families.

Staffhouse prides itself on not collecting any fees from our applicants to help Filipinos not be held back by mounting fees to find a job abroad to earn money. This model was not immediately accepted in the recruitment industry. Still, Staffhouse was able to build trust in its employers and remain committed to enforcing and strengthening its ethical recruitment agenda.

“If you want to recruit ethically, you are more expensive than everyone else,” said Staffhouse managing director Marc Capistrano, highlighting the uphill battle the company faced during its early years.

Staffhouse continues to aspire to be valuable and proactively partners with organizations such as the International Organization for Migration for capacity building and continuing the legacy of providing Filipinos the opportunity to work overseas without spending placement fees. Check this video to learn about Staffhouse and IOM Philippines’ ethical recruitment goals for Filipinos.

Partner with a recruitment company in the Philippines that values ethical recruitment standards. Talk to our team to learn more about our recruitment services.