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August 27, 2024 Comments (0)

Key Indicators of a Great Candidate: What to Look for During Interview

Choosing the right candidate is arguably the most crucial step in the recruitment process. They can set the tone for the role they’re about to fill and greatly contribute to your company’s success. But selecting one based solely on their resume isn’t enough—you need to delve deeper to make more informed hiring decisions.

A thorough interview process is an excellent way to assess a candidate’s communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall fit for your organization. With so much riding on your hiring decisions, it’s essential to know what to look for.

In this blog, we’ll list the key indicators of a great candidate so you can hire the most competent one for your organization.


Essential Interview Criteria for Top Talent

Some candidates may share similar educational backgrounds and hard skills, but it’s their personalities and work ethics that make the difference. Keep these criteria in mind when interviewing candidates.

1. Preparation and research
A well-prepared candidate shows they’ve done their homework. Before showing up for the interview, they would research your company and the role they’re applying for. They should then be able to discuss your company’s values, recent projects, and how they see themselves fitting into the team.

Additionally, they would ask insightful questions that reflect their understanding of the role and show a deeper interest beyond just securing a job. For example, a candidate might inquire about the company’s future goals and how the role they’re applying for contributes to achieving them.

This kind of interview preparation shows that they’re genuinely interested in the position.

2. Communication skills 
Whether a role they’re interviewing for is client-facing or not, the right candidate would know how to answer questions clearly and concisely. They should be able to articulate their thoughts without rambling or going off-topic.  
Let’s say you want to ask a candidate about previous job experience. They should give a structured response that highlights their role, actions, and outcomes. Clear communication skills in interviews are a strong indicator of their potential to succeed in the role. 

3. Professionalism and attitude
A candidate’s professionalism and attitude can set the tone for how they’ll perform in the workplace. For one, punctuality is a basic but crucial sign of respect and reliability. Additionally, how they dress and carry themselves can show how seriously they take the opportunity.

Beyond appearance, a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the role are essential. For example, a candidate who’s interested in the job’s challenges and shows a willingness to contribute to the team is likely to bring that same energy to their work.

You can also ask the following attitude-based questions:

  • ● What motivates you at work?
  • ● Describe a time when you had to make a tough decision
  • ● How do you manage conflicts with colleagues?
  • ● When was the last time you made a mistake, and how did you resolve it?
  • ● Describe your ideal workplace.


4. Relevant experience and skills
One of the main purposes of an interview is to see what a candidate can bring to the table. Ask them about the challenges they faced in their past roles or achievements that they’re proud of.

This inquiry not only shows their competence but also gives you a glimpse of how they might handle similar tasks in your company. Relevant experience and skills are critical indicators of their potential success in any role.

5. Cultural fit and team compatibility
Did you know that 90% of recruiters reject candidates due to cultural incompatibility? It comes as no surprise—a good cultural fit means an employee would feel more satisfied in their role and contribute positively to the team.

So, ask the candidate about their values to see if they work well with others and are open to collaboration.  

For example, you can ask them to describe a time they worked in a team, how they dealt with conflicts, or how they contributed to the team’s success. A candidate who can fit in with your team while offering their unique perspective is likely to do well in your organization. 

6. Problem-solving abilities
Every job comes with challenges, so it’s vital to assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills during the interview.

Ask them to describe a time when they faced a problem and walk you through their thought process, from identifying the issue to implementing a solution. Pay attention to how they analyze the situation, consider different perspectives, and make decisions.

You can also present a hypothetical problem relevant to the role they’re interviewing for and ask them to solve it on the spot to assess their critical thinking, resilience, and creativity.

7. Adaptability and learning attitude
The world is constantly changing, and so is the business landscape. The right candidate would be open to learning new skills and adapting to new situations. During the interview, they should demonstrate a willingness to embrace change and continuously improve.

For instance, you might ask about a time they had to quickly learn a new skill or adapt to a significant change in their previous job. A candidate who responds positively to feedback and is committed to personal growth will likely contribute to your team’s ongoing success.


Find Your Ideal Candidate

Two professionals shaking hands over a signed contract.

Selecting the right candidate is a journey, not a sprint. While their resume might look impressive, it’s the interview that truly reveals their potential. So, carefully assess their hard and soft skills, personality, and professionalism through the interviewing best practices above.  

Don’t hesitate to learn more about their experiences, skills, and attitudes. Remember, investing time in the recruitment process now can lead to a highly competent employee who can drive your business forward. 


Unlock Great Candidates with Staffhouse

Finding top talent can be challenging. That’s where Austria recruitment agencies like Staffhouse International Resources come in. With more than two decades of experience in the recruitment world, we specialize in matching exceptional candidates with businesses like yours. We have a stringent interview process so you can focus on shortlisting quality candidates. 

Contact us today and let us help you find the talent you deserve. 
