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October 22, 2024 Comments (0)

How to Keep Job Candidates Engaged: Partner with Staffhouse for Recruitment Success

Imagine this: you’ve just screened a promising candidate. Their resume is impressive, they nailed the interview and passed all your tests. Just as you’re ready to extend a job offer, they suddenly become unreachable. This is a classic case of “going MIA” (missing in action), one of the pressing challenges faced in recruitment and selection processes today.

It’s more common than you might think. About 78% of job seekers admit to ghosting a prospective employer. While it may not seem like a big deal, it’s damaging. The longer a position stays vacant, the more your business suffers from lost productivity and lower morale.

Don’t worry—we’ll explain why candidates go MIA, what you can do about it, and how partnering with a recruitment agency for Canada-based companies can ensure candidates stay committed throughout the process.


Understanding the MIA Trend

MIA refers to job candidates who suddenly become unresponsive during the hiring process. They might pass initial screenings, ace interviews, or even agree to a job offer, only to disappear without a trace when it’s time to finalize the details.

Which industries or positions are most affected?

The MIA trend especially impacts on sectors like healthcare, finance, and technology due to the shortage of top talent. In these fields, companies often stretch teams thin or make them work on critical projects.

The heavy workload makes it even more challenging when a promising candidate suddenly goes MIA. The absence of a qualified hire can disrupt operations, delay projects, and increase the pressure on existing staff.


5 Reasons Why Candidates Go MIA

Candidates may ghost you for the following reasons:

1. Miscommunication or lack of follow-up
When you don’t make timely updates or communicate expectations, candidates might assume the worst or lose interest altogether. Without follow-up, they may turn to other opportunities. The numbers don’t lie—61% of job seekers left an application because of a lack of communication.

2. Better offers
In today’s competitive job market, top candidates often receive multiple offers. If a better opportunity comes along—one with higher pay, better benefits, or a faster hiring process—they might drop out of your recruitment process without notice.

3. Lack of engagement
If the hiring process feels impersonal or drags on too long, candidates can lose interest. An overly formal process or one with too many steps can make them feel like just another number rather than a valued potential team member.

4. Candidate anxiety
The fear of rejection or feeling unqualified can make candidates back out without explanation. It can especially affect those who are new to the job market or transitioning to a new field, leading them to retreat before an official decision is even made.

5. External factors
Life can be unpredictable. Sometimes, candidates face personal emergencies or life events that take priority over their job search. While these reasons are often out of their control, candidates might still drop out of the process without notice.


How MIA Candidates Affect Your Recruitment Process

You may wonder: why worry about a few candidates who drop out of the recruitment process? Here are the consequences of one of the current recruitment challenges that companies face today.

Increased costs
Screening resumes, conducting interviews, and coordinating assessments take a lot of time and effort from your HR team. When a candidate disappears, you must start over with new applicants. It then makes the hiring process longer and raises the overall recruitment cost.

Delayed hiring timelines
MIA candidates can leave positions unfilled for longer than expected. It can be particularly challenging if you’re hiring for specialized or critical roles. The longer these jobs stay empty, the more pressure it puts on your team to take on extra work. It can cause burnout, lower productivity, and hurt team morale.

Damaged company reputation
In today’s digital world, people can quickly share their experiences online. If job seekers see your hiring process as messy or uninviting, it could discourage other qualified candidates from applying.


Proactive Steps to Prevent Candidates from Going MIA

Person pointing at a smartphone screen

While some situations are out of your control, you can still proactively enhance your recruitment process to consistently engage candidates. You can start with the following tips.

Streamline communication
After an interview, don’t leave candidates waiting for weeks without any update. A quick follow-up email, even if it’s just to say that you’re still reviewing applications, can make a big difference in keeping candidates interested and informed.

Engage candidates
Make an effort to personalize your interactions with candidates and keep them interested in your company. You can share details about your culture, team-building activities, or growth opportunities they can expect if they join.

For instance, you can set up a meeting between the candidate and the head of the team they’ll potentially be put in. The team head can give them a sense of belonging early on, making them less likely to lose interest or ghost.

Be transparent
Being upfront about timelines and decision-making processes helps set realistic expectations. For example, if you know the hiring decision will take two weeks, let the candidate know so they aren’t left wondering. This transparency prevents misunderstandings that might encourage them to disengage.

Act fast
If you find a standout candidate, consider making an offer within 24-48 hours of the final interview. This way, you can show your eagerness to onboard them and reduce the chance they’ll take another offer while waiting for your decision.

Check in now and then
A quick call or email every few days can keep them in the loop in the recruitment process and reassure them that their interest is valued. For example, after a successful interview, you can send a follow-up email with a timeline of the next steps and a “feel free to reach out with any questions” message.


The Role of Recruitment Agencies in Preventing Candidates from Going MIA

Partnering with a reputable recruitment agency can help you maintain a steady flow of candidates. Here’s how they can assist with better recruitment.

Expert candidate screening and matching
Recruitment agencies specialize in identifying candidates who are not only qualified for the role but also a good cultural fit for your company. By reducing mismatches, you can minimize the risk of candidates losing interest or feeling disillusioned.

Managing candidate expectations
Recruitment agencies play a crucial role in setting clear expectations with candidates regarding the role, company culture, and the hiring process. This helps to prevent misunderstandings and frustrations that can lead to candidates going to MIA.

Ensuring a streamlined recruitment process
Agencies can help streamline the recruitment process, reducing delays and keeping candidates engaged throughout the hiring journey. A more efficient process can help to prevent candidates from losing interest or feeling frustrated with the lack of progress.

Handling re-engagement efforts
If a candidate does go MIA, recruitment agencies can handle re-engagement attempts professionally and discreetly. This gives your business another opportunity to connect with promising candidates and bring them back into the fold.


Keep Candidates in the Loop

Most of the time, you won’t know why candidates drop out. Still, it’s crucial to make recruitment process improvements to increase your chances of keeping a strong pool of candidates.

Use the tips above to keep candidates interested, reduce drop-offs, and make hiring smoother. A positive experience not only attracts top talent but also strengthens your brand.


Let Staffhouse Help You Secure Reliable Talent

Staffhouse International Resources can help you through the complexities of the recruitment landscape. With more than 20 years of experience and a proven track record, we specialize in connecting top-tier talent with leading Canadian companies.

Partnering with us means experiencing the following benefits:

● Extensive network of qualified candidates
● Tailored recruitment strategies
● Efficient and transparent hiring process
● Dedicated account managers to provide personalized support

Contact us today to learn how to attract and engage candidates:

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@staffhouseintl
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Staffhouseintl
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/staffhouse-international-resources